Lunar eclipse on my Asc/Desc

I don’t really know how many times a ‘lunation’ of the full Moon, which ‘this time’ happens to be an eclipse too, hits your own natal Ascendant/Descendant axis, [especially with the Moon on the Asc side], in an average lifetime? but i can’t imagine its that many times, [especially to within] 15 minutes of being exact, ‘as this one is’, for me.

But i am starting to be thankful that its not a ‘full’ eclipse, or visible in my region of the ‘earth’, as its power on my body is being felt strongly enough as it is, with my ‘heart’ and nerves taking the brunt.

And without being a drama-queen, i know eclipses have the ‘power to kill’, or should that be, to ‘kill the powerful’. Its probably a bit of both.

So i started to feel its ‘effects’ 2 weeks or more before it happens ‘today’ June 15th.

So, as any astrologer should, i’ve been reading-up on them, and ‘Sepharial’s’ book on eclipses is a good one, and although he talks mainly of countries and famous or important ‘individuals’ like kings etc, i did find ‘something’ which he said ‘hitting’ home.

He says that an lunar eclipse, with the Moon on the Ascendant gives a period of sickness, stress, misfortune and disfavour, which cannot fail to arrest the attention of the individual.

That is quite negative, but all standard fare for eclipses as they do ‘change’ things around. And the sickness has certainly arrived, but as its main focus is on the Ascendant i expect its main power to come in the ‘first period’ of time directly after today. So i am on ‘guard’ concerning my health etc.

And as ‘health’ is mentioned, he says of the Moon, it is purveyor of this vitality to the several parts of the organism, whereas the Sun stands for the vitality itself. So could i expect the ‘organs’ of the body to possible suffer most? maybe.

I have ‘body’ pains just now, especially in the stomach.

He continues to say that the Asc is… …”to ‘that’ which [you] give out”, “the things he does, and the output of energy”. And i have been doing less than which is normal for me, so i see a connection here.

Now, obviously my ‘body’ is affected, [as it is being hit with pains and cramps], but ‘that’ has a cause, and is brought-on by smoking too-much, and it could go, with me being in a slightly worse state of health, and being somewhat older, it may of killed me, but even now, i feel my life could easily be cut short, so i play an easier ‘game’.

But with both Mars and Saturn squaring my Asc at birth i must be aware of this ‘natal’ affliction coming into ‘play’ too, as any eclipse on the Asc/Desc axis will undoubtedly affect those area’s of my life ruled-over by these planets.

Its easy to see a ‘privation’ coming along to my Saturn ruled 2nd house. And Mars could be ‘part-cause’ of the stomach cramps placed [as he is] in Virgo.

But by ‘end’ of all this i will have hopefully come out-of-it-all-this having been careful, and [in-a-way] cheating against some ‘fates’ i could’ve walked-into. But i also know some ‘fates’ i can’t escape, whilst ‘being’ in life ‘positions’ [in which others with more power than me] can change things, and also being in those situations that i have little or no say in.

The times of expected ‘change’ are when planets come to the conjunction or square aspects of the 24 Gemini/Sagittarius eclipse area.

I know i’ll have to come-back and update this later, as i know some ‘things’ are possibly changing for me, especially in 2nd house matters, but that is all for now.

Remember: i and you can’t ‘ever’ escape the ‘knife’, as our lives gets sliced-up.

3 Responses

  1. what can i say?…

    Fanatastic post! Makes me change my embargo on commenting…

  2. Loving your blog…

    I always thought commenting was stupid, but for this blog i shall give it a go. Im loving it!…

    • Commenting, ah yes, there can be some really useless ones, but if [people] mean what they say, [this means everyone in general] the truth will shine thru.

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